Rocket Money automatically sets a balance alert to notify you whenever the balance in your checking account drops below $200. This can help avoid potential overdraft fees or having a charge get declined if the balance in your account is too low. However, you may want to set your balance alert higher or lower than the automatic $200 threshold.
For example, if you prefer to keep more money in your checking account and want to increase the balance alert from $200 to $500. On the flip side, maybe you regularly (and intentionally) withdraw your account below $200 and want to reduce the alert from $200 to $50, or remove it entirely.
Currently, balance alerts can only be customized through our mobile app. To do so please follow these steps:
Tap on the Settings (⚙️) icon in the upper left corner of the Dashboard.
Select Notifications & Alerts
Tap on an existing alert to edit it or select + Balance Alert to make a new alert
Want to change the types of alerts you receive all together? You can also do this from the Notifications & Alerts screen in the Rocket Money app.
Please note: at this time the option to customize your balance alerts is only available in the mobile app, you will not see this option on the web version.