Our Smart Savings feature is getting rebranded! Your new home for savings within Rocket Money is being changed to Financial Goals - while the feature itself won’t look too different from what you’re used to, we want you to feel confident in your savings plans as this change occurs:
Deposits & Savings
Your deposits will continue to work as they did before. You’ll continue to have funds pulled from your linked checking account in the same intervals as before.
Paused Savings Plans
If your savings plan was previously paused, it will stay paused! They can only be unpaused by you in the app!
Multiple Goals
You can have multiple savings plans to reach all of your individual goals! Just remember, they can still only be tied to one checking account.
In addition to these aspects of your savings remaining the same, there are some new features that will help you better understand the progress that you’re making towards your goals!
If you’d like to learn more about these, please check out these related Help Articles: