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How do I cancel a subscription?

Directions to request a subscription cancellation

Michelle McGowan avatar
Written by Michelle McGowan
Updated over 3 months ago

If you would like to cancel a subscription please follow these instructions:

  1. Select the Recurring tab 🗓️ (along the bottom of the screen on our mobile app, and on the menu on the left of the screen on our website)

  2. Next, tap All, near the top of the screen to see your complete list of subscriptions

  3. Tap on three dots “•••” the right of the subscription and select Cancel Service option

  4. Select the Cancel This For Me option, fill out the brief form, and we'll take it from there!

If the Cancel This For Me option isn’t available, it means we are currently unable to cancel this service on your behalf. However, you should find instructions on how to cancel the service yourself. We’re continually working on expanding the list of companies we can cancel.

If you experience any issues trying to cancel, please reach out to us for assistance and we’ll be happy to help!

Note: If you are trying to cancel your Rocket Money Premium membership, please follow the instructions in this article.

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